District Governor 2019-20 Mick McKinley shared the District Goals during training events in the Spring. These goals align with the Mission and Strategic Plan of Rotary International and the focus of the Rotary Citation.
District Goals for 2019-20:
1.    At least 75% of the clubs achieve the Rotary Citation (click here). 
How do we achieve that?
a.    Have AG’s present the citation to all clubs and challenge PE’s to achieve.
b.    Promote achievement of Citation at PETS
c.    Have clubs submit their goals in Rotary Club Central
d.    Have AG’s review club reports and assist where necessary
2.    Achieve a net membership increase of 50 members by 6/30/2020
How do we achieve that?
a.    Have each club achieve a net membership increase of 1 member. 
b.    Have at least 1 silver 1 gold and 1 platinum club award winner in the district
3.    Inspire clubs to use Rotary’s new messaging and public image campaign to tell their “People of action” stories. 
How do we do that?
a.    Appoint a public image chair
b.    Form a functioning public image committee
c.    Build a social media profile that clubs can utilize
d.    Engage our Rotaractors in getting the message out.
4.    Strengthen and support Club – Insure all clubs are aware of the new membership types and Club types
a.    Educate AG’s and membership chair on various types 
b.    AG’s to meet with the clubs to assess needs and educate club presidents and membership chairs.
c.    Have all clubs set goals in Rotary Club Central
d.    Track goal performance and share with clubs
Click here to view the page on the District Website about District and Club Goals.