October brings the end to the first quarter of this Rotary year. This is a perfect time for our clubs to do a health check of how the year is going so far.

As of the end of September I have had eighteen official club visits. I am so incredibly impressed with all the projects, fundraisers, and the amazing adaptability our clubs are achieving. It is heart-warming to see our clubs reaching out and helping each other with technology issues and service projects!

Lori Benton our district RYLA chair is working on planning the RYLA camp for next spring. It is essential that she receives the clubs’ reservation forms to make the final arrangements. The targeted date for the forms to be received is October 15th. Please see her article in this month’s newsletter or contact Lori at ryla@rotarydistrict5650.org.

A reminder: October 24th is World Polio Day. Gretchen Bren District Polio Chair has written an article this month on the updated facts on our effort to eradicate Polio in the world. We hope all our clubs are planning some kind of activity or public image campaign in their communities to emphasize the importance of ending Polio in the world…we owe it to the children of the world. Here is a wonderful video message by Anne Lee Hussey, PDG District 7780, a polio champion, and a member of the International Polio committee that you can share with your clubs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Otqt3RA4nHQ.

Looking for a fun activity you can have with your club or post a video on Facebook to raise awareness and money for Polio? We have been challenged by District 5890, Space Center Houston TX to Take A Pie For Polio. Honestly, this sounds right down Suburban Rotary’s alley, since they did this before for a fun-raiser for the foundation…fun times! Scott Rainey, the DG, has challenged all the districts and clubs in our zone to this outrageously fun idea. Watch for yourself…then consider taking the challenge! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1ZmaOixm84&pbjreload=101

A reminder our district Inclusivity Workshops now have been scheduled for October 22, 29, November 5, and 12th. I hope you will take advantage of this wonderful program which will be eye opening and provide essential knowledge that will be useful in our clubs, careers, and communities.

Lastly I would like to close by offering this message I sent to all the club presidents and district officers in an effort for all of us to be more mindful of creating greater peace in our world. I feel our country is in such a divided way right now. As Rotarians who strive to create more peace and understanding in our world, I call on all of us to encourage such behavior in our towns, states, and country. 

Here is a song that is sung at all major Rotary gatherings. I feel it is so appropriate to share with my fellow Rotarians now. 
Let There Be Peace on Earth

Until next month — Thank you all for your service through Rotary.
Roxy Orr, DG 5650