What’s the image that people in your city have of Rotary? Do they think you’re mostly a group that meets for breakfast or lunch each week? Are they aware of what you do in your community? Do they have any idea of the international impact we have as Rotarians?
We’ve been working to update just how we go about sharing what Rotary is and does as part of a public image project. There are two basic components to an improved public image.
1. Share the word about what Rotary does in your city and around the world.
2. To do this, establish a public Linkedin site for your club and add it to your Facebook site for social media postings
We’ve researched the best ways to reach people to help them understand what Rotary is. And what the research is telling us is to reach people where they are, and that’s on Linkedin and Facebook. To help your club do this, we’ve planned a webinar the evening of April 17. Mark your calendar and plan to join us. I promise, it won’t take long and you’ll learn how to reach more people and grow your club.
Join Zoom Meeting at 7 pm Wednesday, April 17.
Then, watch for emails each month that include at least four suggested postings with photos and schedule posting each week using those materials. Here is a link to the material we encourage you to share in April.
All of this is the result of a research project into the public image that people in our district have of Rotary with recommendations of how to enhance that image and invite new members. All of this can help make your club more vibrant and active in your community.
See you on April 17.
Randy Bretz
District 5650 Public Image Chair
Oh...one more important thing. Each time you post on social media, include a call to action. It's as simple as "Find out more about our club, visit our website." (be sure to include a link to the site)