All Rotary information for the District and Rotary International is now recorded, transferred and verified electronically. It is very easy to keep Rotary information up to date for the District and Rotary International using the electronic tools.
All Member and Officer information is important to District and Rotary International.
- But, you do not need to enter it twice.
- And, it is critical that we follow the RI Integration processes.
- Enter everything locally (through District Website) - DO NOT enter at Rotary International.
- www.rotarydistrict5650.org: As you know, this is the District Website. Club officers log on to the district website to update member and club officer information. The website is managed through ClubRunner*.
- Communicating with others in the District is easy! See the How To Guide on the left about "Email Through and To District"
- Rotary International and ClubRunner have worked together to establish protocol to allow information to transfer between RI and ClubRunner.
- For RI Integration to work properly, follow these basic processes to maintain information:
- All member information is entered through ClubRunner. That information will then “roll up” to Rotary International.
- Active Members – add, change contact information, terminate – make all entries through ClubRunner
- Honorary Members – add, change current members from active to honorary – make all entries through ClubRunner
- Transfer Members – when transferring members between clubs, using the current member number and club name, enter them through ClubRunner
- All officers are established through ClubRunner. That information will then “roll up” to Rotary International.
- Changes in contact information are entered through ClubRunner and it will update to Rotary International.
- There is one aspect of managing information about your club that is entered directly at Rotary.org – setting goals and tracking service activities. This is done using Rotary Club Central and Rotary Showcase which are accessed through Rotary.org. Continue reading below.
Rotary.org / MyRotary / Rotary Club Central
- www.Rotary.org: Rotary.org is the entry point for all Rotary information.
- MyRotary: From Rotary.org, link to My Rotary for access to your Profile, your club information, reports, etc.
- Create My Rotary Account: If you have not already established a profile, you will be guided through the process to register
- Rotary Club Central: From Rotary.org / MyRotary, link to Rotary Club Central to track goals and achievements of your club.
- Rotary Showcase: From Rotary.org / MyRotary, link to Rotary Showcase to record projects of your club and the impact.
- Club Member and Officer information is not to be entered directly through Rotary.org (see below)
Click here for a guide to which website to use to enter data.
Abbreviated list based on most frequently asked questions:
- - Active (including Transfer) and Honorary Member Information - enter through ClubRunner
- - Update Member Information - enter through ClubRunner
- - Club Officers - enter through ClubRunner- - Club Meeting Information - enter through ClubRunner
- - Club Goals - enter at rotary.org/MyRotary/Rotary Club Central
- - Project Tracking - enter at rotary.org/MyRotary/Rotary Club Central
Read about accessing ClubRunner information using your smart phone. Click here.
*The Rotary District website is managed by ClubRunner. Clubs can also subscribe to ClubRunner and the District recommends ClubRunner for clubs looking for a service to manage their information. For Clubs with ClubRunner subscriptions, you logon through your club website and update the information. It automatically also updates the District records and then "rolls up" to Rotary International through RI Integration.