You can keep your club and membership active and thriving by:

  • Evaluating your club’s membership
  • Finding new members
  • Engaging current Rotarians

Find tools and resources on the Rotary International website - / Learning & Reference Menu / Learn by Topic / Membership - or click here.

To create club brochures or other materials, use the Rotary Brand Center - use

For news and blogs to share with your members or on social media - click here.

Connect with your Rotary District 5650 Membership Team using

Jennifer Green
Rotary District 5650 Membership Chair
Omaha Suburban Rotary Club


about membership dues at rotary international:



Rotary International bills clubs for dues in July and January.

Invoices are based on the membership records as of June 30 and December 31.

Those invoices cannot be changed so it is important that the clubs ensure accurate membership / renewals by June 30 and December 31.

Clubs may choose to bill members in advance and secure the renewal status of members so that the member lists can be updated by the dates above.

Here is a copy of the email sent to club officers mid-June 2023:


To: All current and incoming Rotary club officers
Cc: Governors-elect, assistant governors, and district executive secretaries

Dear current and incoming Rotary club officers:
This is a friendly reminder to update your club membership and officer information in your local country or district database by 1 July 2023 We will use this information to generate your July 2023 club invoice.
It is important that your club’s member information is up-to-date, because Rotary cannot change the club invoice after it has been generated or accept membership updates with your payment.         

As a current club officer, you can ensure that your club invoice will be correct by updating the information in your local database.
1. Your club has indicated that it is using a partner system connected to RI to manage membership information in My Rotary, the details of which are linked here. Please make all updates to membership in your local database.
2. Report all new or terminated members and 2023-24 club officers no later than 1 July 2023.
•    Members with admission dates of 1 July 2023 or before will be counted for the July 2023 club invoice.
•    Members with termination dates of 1 July 2023 or before will not be counted for the July 2023 club invoice.
The Rotary International invoice is generated from the data in Rotary’s database and you are able to see your membership changes reflected in Rotary International’s database by signing into My Rotary. Club officers can download a member list under Members to compare the data in RI’s database to the information in My Rotary to make sure that it is accurate as the invoice will be generated based on the information on this list. If you see any discrepancy between My Rotary and the partner system used by your club please contact

Besides updating membership, any changes to subscriptions to Rotary (formerly The Rotarian [in English]) should be reported to prior to 1 July 2023.

For more information about the club invoice, including how-to guides and answers to frequently asked questions, go to My Rotary’s Club Administration pages.

For help with membership questions, contact:

Thomas Woods
Data Relations Manager | Data Services




Find a member of a Rotary Club - click here.